Grand Opening Smashing Success!

Ribbon cutting ceremony with commissioners Neal Rochford and Robert Marshall

Ribbon cutting ceremony with commissioners Neal Rochford and Robert Marshall

Haddonfield Financial Planning had its Grand Opening on Saturday, September 21st 2019. Members of the Haddonfield Community got to tour the new offices, listen to some fantastic live music courtesy of Deal Family Band, and devour plate after plate of catered food. There were smiles all around as people talked, kids blew bubbles and drew with sidewalk chalk. The town was buzzing this Saturday with the Lions Club annual Flea market and the Library’s annual book sale and Haddonfield Financial Planning added to the fun. Everyone loved the 100 Quintillion Dollar giveaway of Zimbabwean currency as people lined up to enter for a chance to win. It was a great day out and if you didn’t get a chance to see the new offices, please stop by any time you like for a tour. If you are really lucky there may just be an extra 100 Quintillion dollar note floating around too!